第1章 自挑选的

作者: 岳家烨然


  “(现在我们中国方队,得到了第一名。这是一件惊喜的事情对于中国方队来说。当然,我们也非常感谢外国友人来我们中国这边参加比赛。我们也希望下次我们能去外国友人那里参加比赛。)Now our Chinese team has won the first place.This is a surprise for the Chinese team.Of course, we are very grateful to foreign friends to join us in the competition.We also hope that next time we can go to the foreign friends to participate in the competition.”

  “(当然,我们要感谢外国友方的谦让。)Of course, we should appreciate the courtesy of foreign friends.”说到这里,那个科研人员仿佛在憋笑一样。咳了咳,又缓了一口气,再继续说道。

  “(如果没有外国友人的谦让。我们中国这方也不可能这么轻易的就得到的一名。果然外国友人还是太谦虚了。希望下次的比赛外国友人能够拿出对待对手的精神来,和我们厮杀一番!)If there are no foreign friends.It is impossible for us to get one in China.A foreign friend is still too modest.Hope that the next game of foreign friends can take out the spirit of the opponent, and we will fight!”




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